For some people, they can lose weight with an ease for they do not require limiting their food intake. However, some people need to work by hook or by crook to achieve their ideal weight. Since they have difficulty in losing weight, they are desperate and tend to do crash diet. They do not take any food and this may be fatal for their health. They tend to feel exhausted all the time, since their bodies do not have sufficient energy to function the inner system. In order to refrain ourselves from doing crash diet, here are several ways which may help us to lose weight healthily.
Firstly, we should not skip our meals from day until night. Taking food is important, for food will help the body to function properly. In order to lose weight, the body needs sufficient energy to burn the fat. In addition, if the body does not have enough energy, we tend to feel tired. We will not have enough energy to do task and we will feel asleep all the time. Besides that, if we do skip our meals, we will be affected by many kinds of diseases, for instance gastric. Skipping meals is hazardous, since we may take excessive calories. We tend to overeat after not taking food for a long period.
Secondly, we have to consume at least eight glasses of plain water in order to lose weight. Refrain yourselves from taking carbonated drinks which are dangerous for our health. Carbonated drinks contain high level of sugar and this may bring diabetes to our bodies. In addition, we should do exercise in order to maintain our health. Spend at least twenty minutes a day to get some exercise. Practice exercise everyday and make it as a daily routine. Doing exercise will help our bodies in building up the metabolism. The higher metabolism, the more fat will be burned in our bodies. Thus, follow the ways in order to lose weight healthily.
Smart Ways to Healthy Weight Loss
Cause and Treatment for Cancer
Cancer gives no signs or symptoms that exclusively explain the nature of disease. But however, if you have any of the symptoms mentioned below, you should consult your doctor/cancer specialist as soon as possible.
Here are some symptoms of common cancer:
*Continual Cough or blood tinged saliva- These could be symptoms of cancer in the head, lung (bronchitis) or neck. Even a general cough can become a symptom of cancer if it lasts for more than a month. If that is the case, you should consult your doctor immediately.
* Changes in bowel habits- If you observe changes in your bowel movement or feel abnormality even after you have had a bowel movement should see a doctor.
* Blood in stools- A doctor must always investigate the blood in the stools. These can be observed through X-rays. But sometimes, when the source is known, these steps may not be necessary.
*Unexplained anemia- Anemia is a condition when the actual number of RBCs (Red Blood Cells) is lower than the desired number. Your doctor must investigate anemia also.
Anemia can be caused my many cancers, but the bowel cancer can cause iron deficiency. Your upper and lower intestinal tracts should be either evaluated by endoscopy or x-rays.
* Breast discharge or breast lump-All breast lumps need to be investigated thoroughly. A negative mammogram isn't sufficient to evaluate breast lumps. Generally, diagnosis requires biopsy or needle aspiration. Most of these forms of discharges and lumps may be causes of cancer, so if there is blood discharge from only one nipple, then it must be evaluated as soon as possible.
* Testicle lumps- Most of the men having cancer have uncomfortable or painless lump in their testicles. Some may even have enlarged testicles. The lumps and other conditions like swollen and infectious veins need to be continuously evaluated.
Cancer is caused by several ways. Sometimes, doctors have to battle the disease using several methods at once, and sometimes they use one method step wise of sequentially.
Cancer can be treated by a number of ways, thanks to improvement and success of modern treatments. There are basically four method of treatment of cancer. Chemotherapy, surgery, radiation therapy and biological therapy. In some cases, clinical trials may prove effective but everything depends on the type of cancer the person suffers from. There are other ways of treatment also which are not approved by the FDA and which are often given in countries other than USA.
When initially you’re diagnosed with cancer, the specialist/doctor will explain you how he will go with the treatment processes. But before that, he may also give you the treatment options. Generally a good doctor always gives you the best treatment which is based on the type of cancer you’re suffering from. Along with the treatment options, he or she will also give you details on how far its spread and the treatment duration etc.
But everything depends on your decision which usually depends on doctor’s opinion, alternative methods, information, treatment process and details gathered from specialists.
The actual goal of the treatment process is the complete removal of cancer without any adverse or side effects to the body. But the effect is often limited in the case of radiation therapy or by surgery due to toxicity of other tissues in the system. In fact, radiation can often lead to damage of normal tissues. Till date, there hasn’t been any 100 % effective cure for cancer, as cancer is a class of diseases. Radiation therapy is used to destroy cancer cells with X-rays or particles from radioactive elements such as cobalt 60.
Cancer basic
Cancer is a disease of the body cells in which their functioning and reproduction is uncontrolled. When a cell turns cancerous or malignant, it will not work properly, and it divides rapidly to produce more cells. A collection of cancerous cells is called a tumor. These cells are able to break away and are carried in the blood to other parts of the body, where they continue to grow.
Cancer can affect people of all ages, including fetuses, but the amount of risk increases with age. Cancer causes about 14% of the deaths all over the world. According a survey held in USA, 2.3 million people died of cancer in USA in 2007. Cancer can also affect all animals.
Usually, cells are replaced as they become old and inefficient. The development of these new cells is controlled so that the new cells are identical to the old ones. In cancer, so many abnormal cells are produced that they interfere with normal body functions and if untreated may cause very severe illness or death. The causes are not clear, but chemicals such as tar from cigarettes and many other substances are known to change normal cells into cancer cells. Cancer can be treated by surgery, or by very powerful DRUGS, or by radiation which damages the affected cells. Though people still die from cancer, many are surviving due to the improvement and success of modern treatments.
Some of the terms related to cancer are:
Carcinogen- A cancer causing substance. It attacks normal cells, and may eventually cause some of them to turn cancerous i.e. uncontrolled growth of cells.
Carcinoma- Cancer that starts to grow in tissue that forms the skin and lining of inner organs.
Sarcoma- Cancer that starts to grow in the tissue that forms the body’s supporting structures, such as the bones and the cartilage.