
Cancer (medicine) is not just a disease, but each one of more than 100 diseases characterized by excessive, includes a large group of diseases, all of which are characterized by the uncontrolled growth and spread of abnormal cells, which penetrate and destroy other tissues. Cancer is not a contagious disease, but it is one of the cells of the fight against the body itself. In cancers, normal cells are transformed into malignant cells' "that grow, reproduce and spread in an abnormal, uncontrolled fashion. If the spread is not controlled, cancer can lead to death.

Despite the fact that there are several hundred different types of cancer, producing very different symptoms, the American Cancer Society (ACS) has the following symptoms as possible warning signs of cancer:
(1) changes in the size, color or shape of a wart or a mole;
(2) a wound that does not heal;
(3) persistent coughing, hoarseness, sore throat;
(4) a lump or thickening in the breast or elsewhere;
(5) unusual bleeding or discharge;
(6) chronic indigestion or difficulty in swallowing;
(7) any change in bowel or bladder habits.

Cancer usually occurs gradually over many years, the results of a complex mix of environmental, nutritional, behavioural and hereditary factors. In addition, the researcher also noted that there are four hypotheses about the causes of cancer are
(1) a relationship of stress, tension and negative emotions such as hopelessness, self-effacement, and fear;
(2) an environmental theory, which relate to the relationship between cancer, chemicals, poison, and the like;
(3) a virus theory which states that a virus takes over the functioning of a normal cell and leads to changes in the surrounding cells, and (4) a genetic theory that holds that there oncogenes in organisms which, if activated, such as by environmental events, may lead to specific forms of cancer.

There are three possible causes of spontaneous regression in cancer patients also good health, the influence of hormones, and the action of immune organs. There is no evidence of a relationship between stress and the disruption of the immune system that may precede cancer. But because stress does not affect the immune system, the immune system may in turn affect the growth of tumors. This event caused by the stressful events influence existing tumors through central and peripheral neurotransmitter activity and the secretion of hormones.

In the course of the stress response, the hormone cortisol is released and consumed fat and protein to ensure that the body has sufficient energy for the fight against threats. Immuno-suppression happens, because if cortisol move proteins in energy, there is no longer enough protein for the manufacture of new cells. White blood cells drop dramatically during chronic stress, weakening of the immune system. In this way, stressful life events may affect other disorders. So, stressors may affect the development of psychiatric disorders, which in turn may affect the immune system, perhaps promoting the development of cancer.

The laboratory investigation has confirmed that experimentally induced tumors in animals can be affected by specific environmental and behavioural variables. It is now possible to some extent to predict how an already existing tumor will respond to stress. Stressors may affect viral tumors grow faster. The cancer patients who often anger, fear, hopelessness, depression and feelings of powerlessness, sorrow, guilt and self-blame, the cancer. They may suffer from a feeling of loss of welfare and strength, and reduced self-efficacy and control and face treatments.

Hans Eysenck (1991) has concluded that the combination or interaction of cigarette smoking and stressors, it is especially important in the development of cancer. Psychological effects of cancer can be alleviated by the use of Stress Management Methods. Patients who are trained in techniques for relaxation and pictures have significantly decreased the tension, anger, depression and self-reported nausea, and physiological arousal. Leisure and images are often effective techniques in decreasing stress reactions, psychological effects, and psychological reactions in patients receiving chemotherapy and radiation treatment of cancer.

The treatment of cancer in many different forms, and it is always tailored to the individual patient. The decision on what type of treatment is best suited depends on the nature and location of cancer, the extent to which it has already spread across the patient's age, gender, general health status and treatment of personal preferences. Forms of medical treatment of cancer through includes surgery, hormonal therapy, immunotherapy, bone marrow transplantation, radiotherapy and chemotherapy. These treatments are aimed at reducing or eradicating the disease. In addition, there are nonmedical treatments are available, the person taking � � �attitude and imagery. A positive attitude towards life is thought by some to be correlated with positive results of the treatment of cancer

Weight loss surgery - Preventing the Health Risks

If you have been watching your weight goes up and that you are worried about the rising pound, You may be wondering whether weight loss surgery really works. Is it possible in the future weight by yourself on a well-known weight loss surgery?

Today, weight loss operations are gradually gaining recognition when it comes to weight loss. Many health experts say that people who are excessively overweight or have slower metabolism would typically have a number of operations.

Surgery at the moment

The biggest advances in the care of the surgical patient has taken place since the beginning of this century. Better knowledge of the diseases and disorders as a result of the investigation has led to the development of a large number of diagnostic tools. Some of these are dependent on roentgenograms, laboratory procedures such as chemical, bacteriologic, and pathologic provisions, as well as control devices and computer support.

Hence, the result is that the diagnosis of diseases and disorders, with more precision and certainty than was possible from the simple clinical trials of the previous days.

That is the reason why people who want to undergo weight loss surgery should no longer afraid of the procedure, because a high clinical standards are currently being conducted in each surgery.

The concept of weight loss surgery

Medical experts maintain that weight loss surgery is a major surgery. One of the most common reasons why people want to lose weight is to strengthen their physical characteristics. It should not obscure the underlying motivation that they must undergo the process of weight loss surgery.

What people do not know is that weight loss surgery is generated to help obese people live longer, healthier and better.

Therefore it is important for an individual to carefully analyze his or her situation, do some research on the process, and analyze as weight loss surgery is the ultimate choice for his or her physical condition.

Moreover, it is important to gather more information about weight loss surgery by consulting an experienced and knowledgeable Bariatric surgeon or even just an expert family doctor who knows the ins and outs of weight loss surgery.

addition, the patient also with the other health experts, as the psychiatrist and dietitian with respect to a number of psychological advice on long-term goals after the operation.

The general, patients who have undergone weight loss surgery is said to be successful if they were able to lose 50% or more of their extra weight and will be able to comply with this condition for the next five years or so . However, the results of the operation may still vary, depending on the clinical data of patients and the skills of the Bariatric surgeon.

Normally, the patient will be able to lose at least 30% to a maximum of 50% during the first six months after surgery, and within the year after surgery, the patient has the potential of weight loss to a maximum of 77%.

Best of all, people who were able to see the weight loss through surgery can actually maintain a continuous weight loss of up to 50% to 60% over the next 10 to 14 years after the operation.

Factors for consideration

As with the other weight management programs, there are many factors to consider before the patient must decide on a weight loss surgery.

Consequently, the actual weight that is lost depends on the weight for the operation, surgical procedure, patient's age, the ability to carry out the overall health of the patient, dogged determination to the necessary follow-up cherish, and the enthusiasm to succeed with the help of their family, friends, and their colleagues.

If you only a few pounds and want to prevent the acquisition of more, this weight loss operations to improve the health, that sounds convincing. But, in addition to his conviction, you may also have a number of measures to be taken to ensure that your weight does not creep up.

It can be concluded that weight loss is not just a question of decision-making and strong-popular determine whether optimistic and positive. Lifestyle changes where they are now for the long-term success with your weight especially after weight loss surgery.

Tips For Healthy Holiday Eating

When the holidays, many people forget all about their nutrition and healthy eating. Weight gain of 7 to 10 pounds are common between Halloween and Christmas. For the holidays, these tips can help you with healthy
by eating the season and not enough.

Most traditional foods can be made with low fat content. Turkey is very lean, without the skin, and jus can be made without fat. Potatoes are
served without butter can be very healthy. The beloved pumpkin pie is nutritious, although it can be made into a fat dessert with the addition
of whipped cream.

While the holidays, do not forget about the exercise. Keeping weight off during the holidays is to burn the extra calories. You must plan a walk after meals, park further from the shops when you shop, and a few walks around the mall before you begin shopping.

During the holiday parties and dinners for the family, feel free to sample foods, although you should not splurge. A decision about what you plan to eat in
advance, then stick to your plan. Eat lots of vegetables, fruit, low fat dressings, and slices of lean meat. Before you go to a party,
eating a small snack to help the intomen your appetite.

If possible, avoid alcohol. After drinking too much can cripple your will power, and too many calories to your diet. In the
instead of alcohol, drinking water with lemon. Water can help to reduce your appetite and keep you from binging. Also make sure to avoid lawyer,
like any glass can take up to 300 calories.

Be flexible with your healthy eating, such as a bad meal will not ruin your diet. Try to find a balance between your calories more than a few days and not just look at
a meal or a day.

Beginners’ Yoga Video

Looking for well-produced fitness videos that are really suitable for beginners can be a huge challenge.

Most tapes these days aimed at the intermediate exerciser, the person who knows that a grapevine from a box step and a lateral raise a biceps curl. These tapes may offer a few easier moves here and there, but the instruction is clearly geared to people who already know what they should do.

The few links that are marketed for beginners often are unspeakably repetitive, as if flabby muscles always mean a flabby brains. And all too often, they provide no way to add extra challenge or difficulty with the routine, as the beginning exerciser will continue to always easy.

It is nice, then, to discover Yoga Zone: Flexibility and Tone, a beginners' tape that offers the depth of instruction and easy pace that the real beginners need.

The instructor is Alan Finger, a genial-looking middle aged man who wears a polo shirt, rolled-up cotton trousers and a chin-length bob. His physique is not the standard chiseled form of exercise videos, it seems that he might be a few extra pounds around the middle.

But he has a beautiful voice (with a hint of a brogue) and a calm way, two essential points for a yoga tape, where relaxation is the key.

And he has a genuine gift for instruction, combining the nuts-and-bolts details of positioning with what it feels to stretch and balance.

When he describes how the muscles of the feet should turn to the small toe, you know - and feel - just what he is talking about.

But any movement contains so many of these instructions are that it may be a bit overwhelming to try to get the hang of them all at once.

If you've tried yoga before, you recognize some of them - the down-at-all-fours stretch called the cat, the inverted V, which represents the determination of the dog, and the corpse, which is little more than lying flat on one of the back, completely relaxed.

In another nod to beginners, Finger also applies changes and tips for those who might not be as flexible as they want.

Finger shows how a folded blanket can be placed under the knees or for a better support for the pursuit of a seated position. A folded towel also be used for various forms, although Finger do not communicate that in advance.

The 50-minute session ends with stretching and relaxation, set to soft New Age music that you can sleep in cots.

Vegetarian Diet Therapy

Fats are an essential part of a balanced diet, including a vegetarian diet. Fats are made of smaller units - so-called fatty acids. These fatty acids may be saturated, monounsaturated or polyunsaturated. Saturated and monounsaturated fats are not necessarily a vegetarian diet, because they can be made in the human body. There are two polyunsaturated fatty acids - linoleic acid (omega 6) and linolenic acid (omega 3) - can not be produced by the body and provide them with food.

Fortunately, they are widely available in vegetarian / vegan vegetable food. The proof is that more and more omega 6 (found in foods such as vegetable oils, like corn, safflower and sesame) and omega 3 (found in flax, nuts, avocados, olives and almonds and canola oil) fats are good for a series of conditions, including cardiovascular disease, cancer, immune system deficiencies and arthritis.

Healthy fats and oils play an active role in every phase of the body's healing, construction, maintenance and processes. In fact, they are as important to an active individual' s body as amino acids, minerals and vitamins. Healthy fats and oils help convert light and sound into electrical nerve impulses, remove potentially toxic substances from sensitive tissues, and the strength of cell membranes.

The following vegetarian menu sample shows how easy it is for essential fatty acids are a part of your daily vegetarian diet.
1 bagel with 2 tablespoon vegan margarine, 1 medium orange, 1 cup of Cheerios cereal and 1 cup soy milk
Lunch: Sandwich
of hummus with 3 / 4 cup chickpeas and 2 teaspoons tahini (a sandwich spread made from ground sesame seeds) 2 slices of whole wheat bread with 3 slices tomato and sliced avocado
1 cup cooked pasta with 1 / 4 cup marinara sauce, 1 / 3 cup carrots, 1 cup cooked broccoli (frozen or fresh), and 1 whole wheat roll
1 / 2 cup almonds and 1 cup soy milk

Basic Yoga Postures

1. THE COBRA Do this in simple steps.
Liggen, capable of his face, legs tightly together and stretched back, forehead on the floor. Put your hands palm down, just under your shoulders. Breathing and raising your head, neck pressing on your back, now use your hands to your tribe until you look into a beautiful arc from your lower back to the back of your neck. You need go no further than this. However, if you're flexible enough, you can now fully straighten your arms, bend your legs at the knees and put your head back into contact with your feet. Even if your head is nowhere near your feet, put it back as far as possible and hold the attitude with deep breathing. Come from the attitude very slowly return to face the open attitude. Relax with your head to one side. Repeat.

2. The bow This is also an extreme version of the ordinary arc.

It is amazing how many children can immediately. Take, again, in simple steps. Lie on your face susceptible mat. If you have a very slim beautiful thick, padded mat for this. Breathing and bend your knees. Stretch back with your arms and catch hold of your ankles, fingers and thumbs together to keep all the exterior. Breathing and simultaneously raise your head and chest, draw on your ankles and knees and thighs lifting of the floor. Breathe normally, trying to kick up your legs higher and lifting your head. You are now bent like a bow, balancing the weight of your body on your abdomen. You can here but if you can still stretch, then slide your hands in your legs, lift them higher, keep the knees together and pull back as much as you can. Keep a normal couple deep breaths, then relax back to the face-prone position, head to one side.

3. THE SHOOTING BOW In Sanskrit this is known as Akarna Dhanurasana and one leg was drawn up as a bow shooting.
Ga sit with both legs stretched in the front and back straight. Reaching with both hands and clasp your feet, catching the right foot with the left hand and left foot to the right. Breathing, bend the left knee and pull the foot in the body, close to your chest, the elbow up and twisting the body slightly to the right. The left remains solid and tight, holding the right foot. Keep attitude with normal breathing, relatively slow, and relax. Repeat on the other side. In the beginning it is enough to the left leg bent with the right side. When is this simple, tight and hold the left foot with the right hand. Continuation of the haul at the left foot, lifting the higher on each exhalation.

Heart Attacks Prevention

Major changes in diet and lifestyle can not only prevent heart attacks, but can reverse the clogging of the arteries, according to a small but groundbreaking study.

The study showed that a vegetarian diet, moderate exercise and one one day of yoga and meditation can be a reversal of atherosclerosis, a blockage of the arteries that can lead to a heart attack in men and women who were strict in the following daily regime.

Experts say that this is the first study to report that such a blockade could be reversed without using cholesterol-lowering drugs or surgery.

The study, which was performed by Dr. Dean Ornish, director of the Preventive Medicine Research Institute in Sausalito, California, was presented during the meeting of the American Heart Association in New Orleans.

This is a tremendously important study in the fight against cardiovascular diseases. It is the first study indicating regression of coronary heart disease without pharmaceutical intervention. The results also suggest that the current medical guidelines for changes in the habits of people with severe cardiovascular disease does not go far enough.

Previous studies have shown that exercise and diet changes can delay the progression of cardiovascular disease, but not vice versa.

Although the study does not determine what percentage of the improvement can be attributed to lifestyle changes alone the researchers found that stress-control methods has been shown to ease restoration of various diseases such as hypertension.

But some experts are skeptical about the need for stress-management methods, which are currently not covered by the standard recommendations for people with severe cardiovascular disease.

Some experts in the field of cardiac rehabilitation whether most people with cardiovascular disease may follow such strict changes in their habits.

Applications in Cancer Treatment

A cure for cancer exists through the use of yoga, San Antonio, Texas, cancer specialist said during a seminar in Oklahoma City in the years 1980.

But doctors refused to admit that they heal, said Col. Hansa Raval, MD, a pathologist with the United States army. Dr. Raval said her work in cytotechnology _ a diagnostic branch of medicine, designed to identify early stages of cancer _ was fruitless until she began research into the use of non-conventional methods of treatment.

The specialist said she witnessed the use of Raja yoga and meditation to cure crippling arthritis, headaches and even cancer.
And although
Raval offers proof that she said was collected during two years of study at the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University in India, having been dismissed by other members of the medical profession as a boil.

Yoga for the success as a treatment method is due to another hypothesis Raval suggests that 98 percent of all cancer is psychosomatic.

This is no singing or reciting mantras, the doctor said. It is not based on the writings. It is not a cult. It is not biofeedback. It is deeper than that. This is a full-proof method of meditation, a detailed understanding of what the soul is.

Raval says that the medical training trivialised the study of non-conventional methods of cancer treatment in favor of the conventional methods such as radiation, chemotherapy, and treatment through machines. "

Medical schools teach students that man is just a body. But the spirit is the power to heal the body. By definition, psychosomatic: a combination of spirit or soul and body.

The soul creates the disease, but the body suffers. If the psyche created the disease, the only way to heal is through the psyche. It is a very simple formula: treating the seed of the problem.

Further studies parapsychology any point on the treatment of the disease by the treatment of the soul.

The World Spiritual University, which has offices in 30 countries, teaches peace and perfection for health and happiness through the use of Raja yoga. The university was given the status as a non-governmental member of the United Nations and has offices in the UN building in New York.

Raja yoga teaches students to search their souls for answers to the world where they came from and why the cancer that their bodies. They learn what role religion, stress, family and lifestyle play in cancer.

How to keep the normal weight preventing cancer

At present, more and more persons pay attention to one's own health problems,in all diseases, cancer has a high mortality and takes difficult cure rate, It is the question that more than more people care about How do we prevent suffering from cancer and living a healthy and happy life, And if your body becomes to fat or thin may increase the emergence of many kinds of cancers. During all one's life keep health may be one of the most important methods to prevent cancer and other chronic diseases.

Keep the normal weight by setting up and insisting on a health diet way to prevent surfing from cancer is beneficial to everyone who want to know how keep your health. I have summed up eight and given protection against cancer to propose as follows, and hopes you can benefit from this:

1. Keep your figure Thin as much as possible within the range of normal weight
2.Take sports every day as a part of daily life
3.Don’t eat high-energy food and sugary drinks
4. In your Part of the daily life, take more food of the plant
5. Restrain red meat and avoid eating process meat products
6. Drink few beverages containing alcohol
7. Eat little salt; avoid eating the stale cereal or beans