Build Muscles

Men have a hard time getting their arms, chest and legs the way they want them to be. Most men work out to look good for themselves or they want to attract someone. Make sure you are making the right decision on why you want muscles. Getting a nice 6 pack or anything like that can't be down over night. It may take months for you to get the size you want. Here is a list of advice that can help you get what you may want from your body.

Healthy eating – Creating a diet just for you is very important. It should include fats, carbs, sugars and proteins. Proteins come from fish and eggs which can really help you have enough energy to work out.

Keeping active- Going to the gym is great. You still can work out at home and with out all those informational products. Grab a few weight from the store and take the time to use them for 10 minutes each morning. The later on in that day go to the gym and complete a 1 hour work out. This helps your body prep for the work out even days away. Always remember to stretch before you being working out.

Use light weights – With weights under 10 pounds you are about to do more repetitions at a slowing speed. It is so important to work out and do the same thing many times. It helps your body crave a work out. Soon you will need heavier weights and be able to do less rep.


Anonymous said...

We must keep active by always exercising to maintain our muscle which can build muscle in our body.

Anonymous said...

ya i really need this article because i wan to be more man ....because as i know a man will man when he have more muscle haha