Lung Cancer - Signs & Symtoms

The early symptoms of lung cancer

Ten following symptoms we should be on high alert:

  1. Body such as breasts, abdomen or neck of the growing mass;
  2. A non-physical injury caused by ulcers, especially perishable Fuyu, such as skin, buccal mucosa, and tongue ulcer, etc.;
  3. Heizhi suddenly increased, hair loss or rupture hemorrhage;
  4. Plugging long nose, nasal bleeding, unilateral headache with or diplopia;
  5. Persistent dry cough and bloody sputum or persistent hoarseness;
  6. Increasing the swallowing will not ring true or nausea after eating at the sternum bulging, burning sensation;
  7. Stool habits change, alternating constipation and diarrhea or recurrent hematochezia;
  8. Unexplained indigestion or long-term sexual anorexia, emaciated;
  9. A painless hematuria;
  10. Middle-aged and older women in irregular vaginal bleeding or Leucorrhea increasing.

Above normal in one or more of the performance should be cause for concern, to hospital checks to clear reasons. However, it must be pointed out that more than a certain kind of performance may be related to the early symptoms similar to the tumor, but not all people with these symptoms tumor disease, and many more other diseases can also cause the various manifestations of the above.

How early detection of cancer?

Early detection of cancer related to the first, is timely to conduct self-examination, as many tumor growth in the surface, it can be self-censorship. Found that certain internal growth in the tumor, as growth in certain special location, can cause certain symptoms, such as the 10 symptoms of certain performance, early detection of these self-abnormal feeling, and promptly requested the doctors for a medical examination, there will be a clear diagnosis . The older people, the nearest regular inspection, and we can rule out the cancer and early detection.