Tasty Food or Health

Most of the food only can be eaten after cook, and the cancer factor is forming after cook.

Why we say that? Chemical changing is happening when apply heat to it, as known that every 1% incraese for the concentration of the Benzo pyrene in Atmosphere, the chances of cancer happen will increase 5%. Because of this, whatever food cook without using water such as fish,beef, chichen etc must be very careful.

Early in 1977, scientist already compare the meat with chur at the surface after cook and meat before cook. The reuslt is 1kg beef contain 8mg of Benzo Pyrene but 1kg beef with chur have achieve 1450mg of Benzo Pyrene (my god, it increase 18000%!!!)

What i going to tell actually? Vegetarian is better for health? or do not eat Tasty Food?
Nothing is perfect, just want to say NOT to eat those food frequently. To protect our body and you have to control yourself. Make it as less as possible.